Feel free to listen to the full story as podcast. Alternatively, continue reading.


As my time has become extremely limited, I was not able to organize the information as well as in the other pages. However, I’ve used the amazing Team-GPT software to create a short summary of the podcast in written form.

Table of contents

I've learned that effective marketing is essential for any startup's success. In this article, I'll share our journey of building a comprehensive marketing funnel from scratch, the strategies that worked, and our plans for future growth.

Scrappy Beginnings: Growth Hacking for the First 1000 Users

Like most startups, we started with a lean approach to marketing.

Within four hours, I built a minimum viable website optimized for SEO, which remarkably brought our first sale in just three days. We leveraged existing channels like my 7,000 LinkedIn followers and email lists from previous businesses to create pre-launch hype (to generate buzz and scarcity).

To hack our way to the first 1000 users in just one month, we employed tactics like lifetime deal campaigns and launching on AppSumo. We gradually increased pricing from $19 one-time to $49 one-time to $10/per month, then $20/m, now $50/m.

In just 3 months time, we had made $20K in revenue, and $10K in profit.

Laying the Foundation: Content, Education, and Nurturing

As we gained traction, we focused on building a solid marketing funnel through content and education.

We created a free, interactive course (ChatGPT for Work: The Interactive Course), which served multiple purposes: user acquisition, SEO, building authority, and better user onboarding when integrated into our product.

Recognizing the need to nurture and empower our users, we developed an automated email sequence. Rather than directly selling, we focused on helping teams adopt AI, naturally leading users to upgrade as they saw the product's value.

The Marketing Funnel

We aimed for 7 different touchpoints by reusing and repurposing content across various mediums.

  1. SEO (organic)