Why do we connect to OpenAI's API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It's a way for different software to communicate and exchange data with each other.

Our app leverages OpenAI's advanced language model to help teams collaborate and learn how to use LLMs more effectively. In order for our app to harness this power, we need to connect to OpenAI's system using their API.

What's an API Key?

An API key is a unique identifier that authenticates requests associated with your project for usage and billing purposes. In simple terms, it's like a password that allows our app to access OpenAI's capabilities securely.

By connecting your own OpenAI API key, you build a secure “bridge” from our platform to OpenAI’s large language models, like GPT-4. This lets you directly tap into the power of ChatGPT through Team-GPT.

This way, your team can benefit from the AI's language understanding capabilities to brainstorm, draft, or plan your projects.

Why use your own OpenAI API Key?

By connecting your own OpenAI API key, you build a secure “bridge” from our platform to OpenAI’s large language models, like GPT-4. This lets you directly tap into the power of ChatGPT through Team-GPT.

This way, your team can benefit from the AI's language understanding capabilities to brainstorm, draft, or plan projects.

While some companies offer a service model where users can utilize the company's API key, connecting with your own OpenAI API key offers several advantages.

  1. Pay for what you use: OpenAI charges based on the number of tokens processed or number of queries. When you use your own API key, you'll only pay for exactly what you consume, making it a cost-effective option if your usage fluctuates or is lower than our flat-rate option.
  2. Transparent usage metrics: With your own API key, you can directly access detailed usage statistics on OpenAI's dashboard, enabling you to better understand and manage your usage.
  3. Usage and billing control: Your API key is like a digital key to your OpenAI usage. It links your usage in our app directly to your OpenAI account, ensuring all usage costs are accurately billed to you.
  4. Security and access control: You can revoke, delete, or regenerate your key at any time, if you believe it has been compromised.
  5. Encryption: Your private API key acts as a personal password or key between our app and OpenAI's platform, providing secure, encrypted communication channels designed to keep your data safe.

By using your own OpenAI API key, you can enjoy a more customized, transparent, and cost-effective experience on our platform.

How are API Keys Secured

API technology comes with several measures designed to ensure the security of user data:

  1. Encrypted Communication: APIs typically use HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) for all communication. This means the data transferred between the your system and the server (and vice versa) is encrypted and can't be easily intercepted or understood by anyone who might try to eavesdrop on the connection.