In Team-GPT, you can organize your chats and images in projects and folders. By default, Projects are shared with your team - you can start a private chat inside the Private Project.


Projects is the place where you can save and organize all of your work done in Team-GPT.

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Click on any Project to explore its contents in the main viewing area



You can find all your recent chats, images and Pages here, regardless if they are inside a project or not.

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Look for Chats and Images in the sidebar to quickly access items that aren’t a part of a Project


Project view

When you click on a Project, you will see all Folders, Chats and Images inside the Project, as well as everyone that can access it.

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Powerful filters

You can easily find specific content. Use the filters to search by participants or date range across all views.

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You can organize these however makes sense to you:

👉 Create your first Project

Back: AI chat

                                                            **Next: [Project knowledge](<>)**