We're thrilled to present the latest updates to Team-GPT. This release enhances prompts, AI integrations, user interface, and usability. Here's what’s new:

Streamlined Dashboard

Archived Chats Removed from Dashboard: To maintain a clean and focused workspace, archived chats no longer display on the dashboard.

Anthropic Claude Integration

Anthropic Claude in Private Beta: We've integrated the promising Anthropic Claude AI model in a private beta phase, enabling to beta testers to explore this new AI capability.

Current Plan Information

Improved Plan Information: We've enhanced the visibility and clarity of plan-related information, making it easier for users to understand their current subscription details.

Enhanced Prompts with Variables

Improved Prompting with Variables: We've refined the process of using variables in prompts for a smoother and more efficient experience. More updates will follow on this topic.

Custom Instructions Editing

Edit Custom Instructions from Info Icon: For greater convenience, you can now edit custom instructions directly from the info ( i ) icon.

Custom Instructions Validation

Custom Instructions Validation: We've incorporated validation checks for custom instructions to ensure their proper format and usage.

Typing Fixes on macOS

Typing Certain Characters on macOS: We've resolved an issue related to typing specific characters on macOS systems for improved user experience across platforms.

At Team-GPT, we're committed to continually refining the platform based on your invaluable feedback. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a crucial part of the Team-GPT community!