If you not an admin in your workspace, contact such so they can set it up for your workspace.

  1. Log into you Team-GPT account and click on your workspace name


  2. Click on Workspace settings

  3. Go to OpenAI Authentication tab if you are not there already

  4. Under the OpenAI Authentication setting select Azure OpenAI Service


  5. You have to fill in three fields - endpoint, deployment name and your API key


    1. Go to https://portal.azure.com/#home and then Azure OpenAI Service


    2. Click on Model Deployments and then Manage Deployments

    3. Copy the deployment name of your model and paste it in the Team-GPT form


    4. Go back to Azure OpenAI Service and click on your resource



    5. Azure OpenAI Endpoint and API key

      1. Click Click here to manage keys

      2. Copy one of the API keys and paste it in Team-GPT. Copy your endpoint and paste it Team-GPT.


      Make sure to append openai/deployments just like in the placeholder of the input.


    6. Make sure to select the right model of your deployment in the model dropdown model list.

      After filling the form click on Save and you ready to use Azure :)

      P.S. In case you are curious about the API vesion, please refer to this documentation page https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/reference